Men’s divorce: Why do women want custody of their children?

 The divorce cases are complicated. It gets challenging, especially when child custody is involved. The statistics show that almost 90% of the time, the woman wins the case and gets child custody. However, there is still a chance for you to win the case. But make sure you hire the best Austin child custody attorney to represent you in court. The professionals have expertise in the case. They will come up with innovative plans to help you get custody of your kid.

Here, check out why women get child custody to understand things and take proper measures against them.

Divorce lawyers in Austin Texas

Why do Women Get Child Custody?

Culture has always been the main consideration in child custody. Women are mostly considered superior parents from the historical and cultural point of view. It is believed that children and young children cannot live without a mother. By hiring a child custody attorney, you will have a chance to counteract the cultural bias and get fair results.

•  Bias Against Men

In most cases, child custody goes to the mother because the court considers women to be traditionally better than men. However, the court cannot think of giving the child custody to the mother without any solid reason. But, there is still a possibility for men to get custody.

If the mother before the breakup was the primary caregiver of the kid, then she is entitled to get the sole physical custody. However, this doesn’t mean that the father will be unable to play any role in the kid’s life. This happens when the child is old enough to understand the current state of his parents.

The pure notion here is that women are the primary caregivers who give away the jobs to take care of the kid. Besides, they are also considered suitable for the child because women have now started to work from home and thus can take care of the kid well.

•  Women Earning Good

Just like it is thought that women can be good caregivers, men are better earners than women is also a myth. The problem is that the man, despite being financially strong, cannot always offer the kid what he needs. Women have started earning to take the entire responsibility of the kid and offer him a good life.

Hire the best child custody Attorney

Even though women are preferred in custody cases, men still have a chance. For this, you need to consider contacting the best law firms in Austin, Texas. Sanchez & Flores, Attorneys at Law, LLC can offer you the best. They have experienced professionals who can handle the custody case well. Irrespective of the complications, they can assure fair results.So when the need arises, you can contact our professionals for your child custody case.


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