Men’s divorce: Why do women want custody of their children?

The divorce cases are complicated. It gets challenging, especially when child custody is involved. The statistics show that almost 90% of the time, the woman wins the case and gets child custody. However, there is still a chance for you to win the case. But make sure you hire the best Austin child custody attorney to represent you in court. The professionals have expertise in the case. They will come up with innovative plans to help you get custody of your kid. Here, check out why women get child custody to understand things and take proper measures against them. Why do Women Get Child Custody? Culture has always been the main consideration in child custody. Women are mostly considered superior parents from the historical and cultural point of view. It is believed that children and young children cannot live without a mother. By hiring a child custody attorney, you will have a chance to counteract the cultural bias and get fair results. • Bias Against Men In m...